Official 2025 Training Program

Where The Forks Should Be When Picking Up Load with Forklift

When picking up a load with a forklift, the forks should be positioned as close to the bottom of the load as possible without making contact. This allows for maximum stability and control of the load while it is being lifted and moved. It’s important to ensure that the load is centered on the forks and that the load is not too heavy for the forklift’s capacity.

It is also important to ensure that the forks are inserted all the way into the pallet, so that the load is secure and stable while being lifted and moved. The load should be secured with appropriate straps or other restraints if necessary.

It is also important to ensure that the forks are level and parallel to the ground, as this also helps to maintain stability and control of the load.

The operator should always be aware of the load’s weight, size and how it is loaded on the pallet to ensure safe lifting. If the load is unstable or not properly secured, it can cause the forklift to tip over and cause injuries or damage to the equipment.

It’s important to note that before starting to lift or move the load, the operator must be sure that the load is not too heavy, that the forks are positioned correctly, and that the load is stable and secure.

Want to become a forklift operator?

We offer the official online certification training you need to apply for a job as a forklift operator. No experience required. Take the next step in your career and get your forklift license in as little as 1-hour.